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What Is Affiliate Marketing?

By June 1, 2011July 28th, 2016Personal Ramblings

What is affiliate marketing?  This is an obvious first question if you’re looking to explore the opportunities providing by launching an affiliate marketing program.

The concepts of affiliate marketing, on a cost per sale basis, are relatively simple.  If you have something to sell (product or service) there are people and companies (affiliates) that can advertiser it for you.  All they ask is that you pay them a percentage of the sale that they helped generate.  Definitely a win-win situation for both parties.

There are multiple networks and/or tracking platforms that can manage the sales tracking and the distribution of affiliate payments.  Some examples of these affiliate marketing networks are; LinkShare, Commission Junction, ShareaSale, Google, etc.  These networks allow you (the seller) to launch a program and then allow the advertisers (affiliates) to select which affiliate marketing programs they will promote.

Simple, right?  Here’s where it gets a bit more complicated.  There are multiple ways in which you can structure your affiliate marketing program.  There is the decision on which affiliate network(s) you should launch with.  Media needs to be created for the program.  You will need to define your affiliate marketing program terms, implement tracking, develop recruiting lists, etc.  PMG will take care of all of this for you.  We have the experience to know how your program should be set up and we manage the entire launch process for you.  Below is an example of some of the services we provide.

•    Analyze the competitive landscape
•    Set up the commission rates
•    Outline the program terms
•    Select the best network
•    Create media
•    Develop recruiting lists
•    Implement tracking
•    Affiliate marketing program launch
•    Ongoing management of your program

Affiliate marketing programs can generate significant revenue for your company and are one of the best ways to advertise since you only pay the affiliate when a sale is generated.  This is performance marketing at its core.

CONTACT US to see if launching an affiliate marketing program is right for you.  We’re available any time to discuss how and when you should launch your affiliate marketing program.

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